Friday, January 6, 2012

Figley Institute's Picks of the Week (2012-1)

Each week I distribute links to websites, articles, and other resources via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In) which inform readers in the subjects of compassion stress, psychological trauma, services for our military; and/or disaster. In this blog I will highlight weekly my top three choices which will inform readers in the subjects of compassion stress, psychological trauma, and/or disaster. The goal is consistent with Figley Institute's Mission: Helping those who help the traumatized.

Here are my top picks for the first week of the New Year.  I hope you will comment, and share resources which others will find informative and useful.

Power of Mom’s Voice Silenced by Instant Messages

Brandon Keim describes a University of Wisconsin study in which stress hormones were measured and compared among four groups of distressed girls: those who heard their mom's voice; those who spoke with their mom face to face; those who used instant messaging; and those who had no contact with their mom.  Stress hormones decreased in the girls who heard their mom's voice, but did not decrease when using instant messaging or in the control group. This is important when we consider the means by which we offer social support to those who are stressed and/or traumatized.

Mastering the Anniversary Reaction: Putting Memory to Rest

The Holiday Season is not necessarily fun for all, particularly those who have lost loved ones via tragedy or service to our country; or who have experienced a traumatic event.  Anniversary Reactions may flare up at holiday time: the painful resurgence of memories associated with the trauma and/or loss. Authors Matthew D. Erlich, M.D. and Lloyd I. Sederer, MD describe Anniversary Reaction and offer three strategies: Foresight, Rituals, and People.


4 Things to Strive for in 2012

One of my favorite phrases for self-care success is "Be gentle with yourself".  Brigettt Meanders offers four gentle ways to start the year off with resolutions that are meaningful and can be life changing: Appreciate what you already have; Be mindful of your actions; Choose love over fear; and Reach for the Stars. And I'll add one more: remember to be self-compassionate! Life is about learning and growing from our mistakes and celebrating our successes. Wishing you the very best in 2012!


Inspired by New Year focus on good self care Figley Institute is offering a Special rate of $129 for the month of January 
Compassion Fatigue Educator Certification Online 8 hour Course 
Developed and Delivered by the Drs. Figley.
Start your New Year off with a
 clear plan for personal and professional resilience!
Click here to register now!
Enter promotion code: govt


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Mission: To alleviate human suffering which results from traumatic life experiences by providing laypersons and professionals with high quality traumatologist training.